Wild Duck Breast Pâté
Prep Time
20 ishMinutes
Prep Time
20 ishMinutes
  • 1 Food Processor
  • 3 DucksBreasts from about 3 ducks, cut into 1″-2″ cubes
  • 3Strips bacondiced
  • 1/4Cup onionfinely chopped
  • 1Clove garlicminced
  • 1/3Cup roasted pistachiosshells off
  • 1/3Cup craisons
  • 2Tablespoons fresh parsleyfinely chopped
  • 1Tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • Sherry to taste
  • S&P to taste
  1. Hunt a couple of ducks. Cut out the breasts and clean nicely. Cut into 1″-2″ pieces
  2. Lightly brown the bacon in a large cast iron skillet. Add the onion, garlic, and duck breasts. Saute until duck is just cooked then remove skillet from heat and let it all cool.
  3. Put the pistachios and craisons into a food processor and blend continuously until as smooth as possible (a minute or two).
  4. Add the cooled duck mixture and pulse until it’s all smooth together.
  5. Add the parsley and lemon juice, also S&P to taste and the Sherry to taste (optional)
  6. Once to your liking, put the pâté in ramekin(s), cover with wrap then take out and eat with water crackers or toast points any time – formal or casual evenings!
Recipe Notes