Clean, Clear, Cygnet Outdoors

Recently i’ve really been looking for, and finding, great everyday products. More and more, I am drawn to products that not only do their job but are created in a meaningful way. I’m talking about skincare that is free from chemicals and instead made with great stuff found in our natural world, home cleaning essentials that are non-toxic (I mean, duh), cute summer-wear handmade through collaboration with villagers in Ethiopia, oh, and natural wood phone cases made right here in America.

Yes, sometimes the “good stuff” is more expensive. That ‘nourishing oil cleanser’ from Tata Harper I use morning and night is $64 – not cheap! But it’s also made in small batches in Vermont, without one drop of toxic or synthetic chemicals, and my dry, outdoor elements-exposed skin has never, ever felt better.

As a hunter, I am constantly preaching a nature-centered message so it makes sense that the  non-hunting aspects of my life adhere to that ethos as well. Check out my recent favorites  below and tell me your thoughts!
Clean, Clear, Cygnet Outdoors


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