You Want and Need These Boots
There’s something about hunting that makes your mind and your body toughen up. Its a nice feeling in today’s world where our society is fed an endless stream of nonsense that one should never be uncomfortable. I believe there’s something to be said for being uncomfortable.
However, there’s a huge difference between uncomfortable and dysfunctional. And when it comes to hunting clothes, functional is the the new sexy. Here is where an Irish company named Dubarry comes into play.
If you’ve ever been to the Ireland’s west coast you can attest to it’s… difficult weather conditions. This is where Dubarry’s headquarters is located today and has been for over 70 years. Perhaps that is a clue in why Dubarry boots are so incredibly weatherproof. I bought the “Galway” boots about four years ago. Since then, I have made my money back on them, and then some. I’ve trampled through thick woods, deep puddles, thick and deep mud, tons of snow, and mucky barns. I’ve ridden horses, hunted black bear, shot birds in Argentina, fly fished, and deer hunted in them. Oh, and i’ve also gone out to dinner in them many times because they hold their own against any in-season boots. They repel the elements with unmatched flexibility and function. They are light enough, easy to take on and off, and they don’t quit.
I recommend trying them out if you like to hunt, fish, walk, look good, or go outside ever.

[…] – Dubarry Boots – the only boots I even brought on the trip. Read my write-up here. […]