Especially Your Workbench
I LOVE making things. I did as a kid, (think made-to-order crystal bead necklaces for my gymnastics team, sketches in bark as presents to my parents, little fingers cut with little knives from whittling, etc.), and still do as an adult. We’re living in a time of American culture where a return to the trades of old is becoming respected and admired. Sure there are makers out there who have been creating handcrafted products their whole lives, as have their parents and grandparents, regardless of whether our culture deemed what they were doing as cool or not. And we will always need the knowledge those veterans of trade have learned and cultivated. I think working with your hands is one of the most rewarding gifts we’ve been given as humans. Whether you come from a long-line of specialized craftsman or have never even used a hammer – or something in between! I encourage you to experience the thrill that comes from building or creating something yourself.

I recently bought a Dremel 3000 and am just barely scratching the surface of all the functions this nifty power tool can handle with ease. I’ve started small by engraving pallet tables. Pallet tables are all over the place right now. I think they’re nice to use for a barn or garage seating area. We recently made one for a friend and I used a wood engraver accessory to free-hand the recipient’s initials. It was a first run but am looking forward to doing more – I have lots of ideas!